Friday 8 July 2016

Killing Fields "Extermination by Human"

On a quick glimpse, one might think that this was a t-shirt released by a black metal band.

Should one think as such, the person should be forgiven for this is a t-shirt released by a speed/ thrash metal band from Thailand.

Not much I know about this band apart from searching for the little info about the band found in Encyclopedia Metallum.

They played at least 1 show in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia as far as I could remember, which was during the time I last met them in 2011.

I traded something (which I again forgotten what it was) with a member of this band for this band shirt of theirs that year too in with this shirt and I managed to obtained their CD as well.

During our meeting at the time, I too experienced problems communicating with the band due to the language barrier- I speak Malay and English fluently while they speak only Thai and a smattering of English during the time.

This shirt's design was based on the artwork cover of their debut album "Extermination by Human" released in 2009.


Shirt: Killing Fields "Extermination by Human"

Category: Local Thailand band t-shirt

Subject Origin: Samutprakan, Bangkok, Thailand

Condition: 9/10

Back print: yes

Long sleeve: no

Sleeve prints: no

Shirt status: original, released by band

Printing ink and method: rubber dye, silk screen printing

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