Wednesday 6 July 2016

Hereafter "After Tomorrow"

Formed in 2007, Hereafter is a Malaysian thrash metal outfit which focuses on sci-fi and extra terrestrial themes in their lyrics and an evil blend of Sodom and Megadeth in their music.

Although they had not released anything since 2012, they are one of the few thrash metal bands from Malaysia to be active both in releasing materials since their formation (before the year 2012) and are also actively playing shows throughout Malaysia and other countries.

To date, they have released 3 studio albums, a single, a demo and 2 split releases.

This shirt here is based on the band's first demo released in 2007 and I bought this shirt from the band this year (2016).

It has no back print but hey, its white and I love metal t-shirts which are coloured anything else other than the colour black.


Shirt: Hereafter "After Tomorrow"

Category: Local Malaysian band t-shirt

Subject Origin: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Condition: 9/10

Back print: no

Long sleeve: no

Sleeve prints: no

Shirt status: original, released by band

Printing ink and method: rubber dye, silk screen printing

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