Tuesday 17 October 2017

I'm Back (For Now) + Updates.

It has been almost a year since I posted anything on this blog. Oh well, I've been very busy. From now on I will try to update this blog at least once a month... yes, I repeat - I'll try.

So what happened since I last wrote on this blog? A lot of things for sure. As a matter of fact, a few (or maybe just one or two...) historical moment happened in my life since I last posted anything in this blog.

No, I did not get married. I moved to Kota Samarahan after living in the village of Kampung Tabuan Dayak, Kuching for nearly 24 years. Yes, to me that was historical. I now live in a new house and a new environment.

I am going to miss Kampung Tabuan Dayak but I have to move away from the village because Kampung Tabuan Dayak is not like what it used to be. My house at the village is now constantly flooded whenever there is heavy rain occuring at the same time with the occurance king tide because it is located at the bank of Tabuan river. Although my house is located at the bank of a river, it has never been hit by flood until the year 2014.

I should have moved out in 2014 but I thought the flood would never come again. I was wrong. It happened again in 2016. So by the end of 2016, I moved out.

What made me hell-bent and motivated to move out of the village is when I saw my CDs being soaked in fucking flood water at the time. To me that is devastating. I just got to move out. Fingers crossed, I hope my new home will be able to house all my metal belongings for as long as I am around.

My house in Kampung Tabuan Dayak flooded last year.

Another important chapeter of my life is that I finally attended a huge open air metal festival -to be exact, I attended the Hammersonic Metal festival this year in Jakarta, Indonesia. Yes, this is historical to me too. Thanks Indonesia for enabling Malaysians like me to have such an experience. If there is no such festival existing in neighbouring countries, I don't think I could ever attend one as I might have to travel to Europe of other parts of the Asian continent and that will costs me lot of money. I also do not see my country Malaysia organising such festivals (metal festivals, ok) any time soon.

Attending the Hammersonic Festival in Jakarta this year.

Since I last posted anything here I also organised the first metal gigs in Bau district in 2016 and Samarahan division this year (2017). I am so proud of those personal achievements of mine a an event organiser too.

Organising Bau district's first ever metal gig in Bau district with my friends.

The first ever metal gig in Samarahan division, Sarawak organised by me and my friends.

Those were the few of the things which happened since I last posted anything here. Just a few of those things made me a very busy man.

Oh well, having moved to Kota Samarahan for almost a year now, I am looking forward to register more good memories at my new home until I grow old. Cheers.

Now let get back to talking about the metal t-shirts that I have, shall we?

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