Wednesday 23 November 2016

Decomposed (IDN) "Apocalypse of Destruction"

Decomposed. An obscure Indonesian brutal death metal from Tangerang, Banten. For further information about the band, please click here.

Now let's talk about how I got this shirt.

I was visiting a local distro/ shop here in my hometown known as Gator Store when I found this shirt. Now let me give a little background about that shop; the shop specialises on Indonesian underground metal (and to some extent hardcore) merchandises by bands from the country. I can say that we in Kuching here are lucky to have the shop operating here as Indonesia do have decent exports coming out to the country. Their main shop located in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia while the one at Kuching here is just a branch.

Many of my friends would know me as a person who will not buy or wear metal t-shirts to bands that I don't listen to. It so happens when I saw this shirt and saw their 2012 EP entitled "Desecrating the Divine" sold at the store as well.

As far as I know, this shirt's title "Apocalypse of Destruction" was not based in any of their songs or release, so I guess if I buy the EP, its ok if I buy the shirt too. Plus its long sleeve with it's sleeves printed. Metalheads love long sleeves, don't they?

What attracts me about this shirt lies in its colour as it is coloured grey. I am so sick of black coloured metal t-shirts and I certainly love it if I could find anything but black. Thus no question on the price of this shirt. I just have to take it home and own it.

After listening to their EP, I look forward to hear from this band but sadly they have not produced anything since 2012.


Shirt: Decomposed (IDN) "Apocalypse of Destruction"

Category: Local Indonesian band t-shirt

Subject Origin: Tangerang, Banten, Indonesia

Condition: 9.5/10

Back print: yes

Long sleeve: yes

Sleeves print: yes

Shirt status: original, released by local Indonesian label

Printing ink and method: plastisol ink screen printing

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